Anna University re-exam result 2021 OUT at

NEW DELHI: The results for the November-December 2020 re-examinations and the April-May 2021 examinations were released today by Anna University. Students who took the examinations can verify their results at, the university’s official website. Due to high traffic, the Anna University result websites are unavailable. Students may also check their results using a mobile app by going to the page that reads “November-December 2020 (Re-examination) and April-May 2021- Results Mobile App.”

Anna University re-exam result 2021: Check these Websites


Anna University results 2021: How to check

Step 1: Go to the official Anna University website,, or the above-mentioned website.

Step 2: From the site, choose ‘November-December 2020 (Re-examination) and April-May 2021- Result Link 1′ or ‘November-December 2020 (Re-examination) and April-May 2021- Result Link 2′.

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Step 3: Alternatively, you may verify results using the mobile app, which has a link on the webpage.

Step 4: To log in, open a new window and input your credentials.

Step 5: Save Anna University Result 2021 to your computer and print it out for future reference.