Covid-19 Vaccination Record: India Smashes Records Of Daily Covid Jabs

By 7 p.m. today, India has reached its highest daily vaccination rate of 93.08 lakh.

Before 7 p.m. on August 27, India had reached its highest daily vaccination figure of 93.08 lakh, and was on track to reach the milestone of One Crore vaccines for the first time by the end of the day. Today, Uttar Pradesh had the highest immunisation rate, with over 25 lakh people receiving vaccines.

On July 21, China reported giving 20.8 million vaccinations, putting India in second place in the globe.

August has also been the country’s busiest immunisation month, with 15 crore doses administered to date. This is more than the 13.45 crore doses administered in July and the 11.97 crore doses administered in June. “By the end of August, we anticipate to have administered over 17 crore doses, which is a new high. According to a senior government source, “September may see 20 crore-plus pills administered,” citing a stock of 4.05 crore unused tablets held by the states as of date.

The current immunisation week, August 21-27, is likewise the busiest yet, with almost 4.5 crore vaccine doses administered. In the third week of June, India recorded its highest weekly immunisation total of 4.12 crore doses. In August, approximately 3.5 crore doses were delivered per week, suggesting an increase in immunizations.

This month, the most vaccines were administered in Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Madhya Pradesh. So far this month, Uttar Pradesh has administered about 2.15 crore pills, Madhya Pradesh has administered 1.3 crore doses, and Maharashtra has administered approximately 1.1 crore doses. This month, special vaccination programmes were held in Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh on two days each, resulting in large dosage counts.

The 18-44 age group received over 10 crore doses out of the 15 crore doses provided this month, demonstrating that the young are the driving force behind the immunisation campaign. Nearly 11 crore of the 15 crore pills provided were first doses, which explains why the government is concentrating on providing the second dosage to those who are qualified.