HPU Entrance Exam Result 2021 OUT At hpuniv.ac.in

The result has been uploaded at hpuniv.ac.in in the form of a merit list.

NEW DELHI: HPU result 2021 for a few postgraduate and undergraduate programmes has been released online by Himachal Pradesh University (HPU). B.Tech, LLB, MA History, MA Sanskrit, MSc. Geography, and MSc. Physics are among the entrance-based courses for which the HPU 2021 result has been announced. The official website hpuniv.ac.in may be used to verify the HPU entrance test result 2021 for the various programmes. Candidates may view data like roll number and marks earned by eligible candidates using the HP University entrance test result.

The applicants who took the relevant admission test on the specified dates have received their results. It should be noted that the HPU result for 2021 has not yet been released for all courses. The results of the HP University admission test will be released on a regular basis by the authorities.

Qualified applicants must attend the interview now that the HPU result 2021 has been released. Candidates who pass the interview phase will be required to attend counselling. Document verification and fee payment will be part of the HPU counselling process in 2021. Previously, the deadline for applying to several merit-based postgraduate programmes had been extended until September 6.

Admissions at HP University started in May with the distribution of application forms for a few courses. It is important to remember that different application forms, admit cards, and HPU entrance test results, as well as merit-based admissions, are published on different days. Admission to the various programmes offered by HP University is based on the results of entrance tests or the merits of qualifying examinations.