IIM CAT Exam 2021: Mistakes To Avoid While Filling Form

The CAT 2021 registration window will conclude on September 15 at IIM Ahmedabad. Check out this list of frequent CAT application form completing errors to avoid.

IIM CAT Exam 2021 Mistakes To Avoid
IIM CAT Exam 2021 Mistakes To Avoid

NEW DELHI: CAT registrations will be accepted at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad till September 15. Registration for CAT 2021 is now open at iimcat.ac.in, the official website of IIM CAT. Candidates must pay a CAT exam fee of Rs 2200/- for the general category and Rs 1100/- for the reserved category when filling out the CAT application form. Candidates should keep a few things in mind before registering for the CAT test to avoid making errors. Certain data on the CAT application form are locked and cannot be changed during the CAT correction window.

On November 28, IIM Ahmedabad will conduct CAT 2021 in a computer-based (online) format. Candidates must verify that they fulfil the CAT eligibility requirements before enrolling for CAT 2021. To prevent any last-minute problems, applicants should have all of the necessary papers and information on hand so that they can finish the CAT registration procedure in one sitting.

CAT 2021 registration form dates

CAT 2021 registration startsAugust 4, 2021
CAT exam registration endsSeptember 15, 2021
CAT 2021 admit card download beginsOctober 27, 2021
CAT exam date For 2021November 28, 2021

Mistakes to avoid while filling CAT exam form 2021

Here are some of the most common mistakes candidates make when filling out the CAT exam application form.

  • Not having all of the needed papers- When applying for CAT 2021, applicants must have all of the relevant documents on hand. Otherwise, the likelihood of making a mistake increases. Before filling up the CAT registration form, applicants should make sure they have all of the necessary papers. Before filling up the CAT exam form, review the list of documents and have them ready.
  • Personal information
  • Details about your education
  • A scanned copy of a passport-size photograph is required.
  • Valid cellphone number and e-mail address Scanned copy of signature
  • Certificate of work experience (if any)
  • Certificate of Caste
  • Trying to get through the CAT application procedure as quickly as possible- Filling out the CAT application form is the first step in taking the CAT entrance exam. As a result, filing it in a rush may result in negligence, and one may skip a key step in the CAT application process. Because the CAT application window is open for such a long period, candidates should take their time and thoroughly fill out the application form.
  • Not utilising the right internet browser- Applicants must ensure that they are filling out the CAT application 2021 using the correct internet browser. Here are some of the browsers that applicants should use when applying for CAT 2021:
    • Google chrome
    • Internet explorer
    • Mozilla Firefox
  • Entering incorrect personal details- Another typical blunder made by candidates is providing inaccurate personal information on the CAT application form. Your name and the names of your parents must be spelled correctly and must match the names on your certificates. Any inconsistency might result in disqualification. Aside from that, candidates should be cautious while choosing a category.
  • Entering educational qualification details incorrectly- In the CAT 2021 application form, candidates will be requested to provide their previous academic data. Information such as the name of the school/college, the name of the board/university, the proportion of students who passed, and so on. Ascertain that applicants submit their grades precisely as they appear on their certificates.
  • Uploading unclear photograph and signature- Uploading necessary papers, such as a photo and signature, is also essential. Candidates must make sure that the image is viewable and that it is the correct size.
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Steps to fill the CAT 2021 application form

Eligible candidates can apply for CAT 2021 online. The methods for completing out the CAT application form 2021 online are outlined below. 

Step 1: Visit iimcat.ac.in for the official CAT 2021 website. 

Step 2: Then, in the right centre of the page, locate and click the link labelled “New Candidate Registration.” 

Step 3: Next, fill in the needed non-editable information for the login credentials, such as your name, email address, and phone number. 

Step 4: After you’ve entered all of your information, click the “Generate OTP” option. The OTP will be emailed to the email address provided during registration. 

Step 5: Then, using the CAT login credentials, check in to the candidate’s dashboard and fill out the CAT application form 2021 with important information such as:

  • Academic/ qualification details
  • Communication details
  • Emergency contact details
  • Other professional degree details
  • Personal details

Step 6: Then, in the format and size specified, upload all of the needed documents/images.

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ImageFormatSize of the fileDimensionImage resolution
SignatureJPG/ JPEGNot more than 80 KB80 mm (width) x 35 mm (height)150 px/ inch (min)
Photograph30 mm (width) x 45 mm (height)

Step 7: Choose any six suitable CAT exam cities and fill in the job experience information (if applicable).

Step 8: Make an online payment for the CAT application fee using any payment gateway.

CAT application fee 2021

CategoryCAT Fee
General category candidatesRs 2,200/
Reserved category candidatesRs 1,100/-

 About CAT 2021 

The Common Admission Exam, or CAT, is a national aptitude test that is required for admission to the IIMs and over 1200 business schools throughout the country. Questions from Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR), Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC), and Quantitative Aptitude (QA) appear on the CAT exam paper (QA). The degree of difficulty for CAT 2021 is expected to be moderate to high.

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