IIT Bhubaneswar’s Academic Facility Inaugurated By Dharmendra Pradhan

IIT Bhubaneswar’s Pushpagiri Lecture Hall complex and Rushikulya Hall of Residence were inaugurated by Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan.

BHUBANESWAR: Dharmendra Pradhan, the Union Minister for Education, inaugurated new academic complex at IIT Bhubaneswar on Friday, expressing optimism that the improved facilities will enable the top institute’s students to strive for greater brilliance. According to the Union minister, the worldwide fourth Industrial Revolution has demanded the establishment of new business and development models for the globe, and IIT Bhubaneswar must build such models, assist generate jobs, and tackle modern-day challenges.

Pradhan spoke after the institute’s Pushpagiri Lecture Hall Complex and Rushikulya Hall of Residence were dedicated. According to the institute, the current lecture hall complex consists of three buildings, while the Rushikulya hall of residence is an 800-single-seat dormitory. According to the announcement, the first of the structures is now operational, and a mini-complex with ten flipped classrooms is now under development.

Another three structures are anticipated to be built to the circular-shaped lecture hall complex in the future. In a disaster-prone state like Odisha, which will become a role model for the entire nation, Pradhan highlighted the importance of stronger coordination across institutions to solve local and environmental concerns. “With an emphasis on world-class research and innovation, our IITs have really become the emblem of India’s development and achievement in higher education,” the Union minister said. “Our IITs are among the world’s best institutions, contributing to global technological requirements.”

IIT Bhubaneswar, Skill Development Institute

On this occasion, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the Skill Development Institute of Bhubaneswar and the Indian Institute of Technology in Bhubaneswar for the purpose of sharing expertise and enhancing skill development activities for underemployed, unemployed, and disadvantaged youth. Prof Raja Kumar, director of IIT Bhubaneswar, said the Union government has approved Rs 1,260 crore for infrastructural development in two phases.

The current facility, which includes lecture halls with seating capacities of 60, 120, and 240, maybe utilized for traditional courses as well as e-classrooms, according to Kumar. According to Kumar, the flipped classroom complex is one of the best in the country, and it can be utilised for traditional lectures, group or individual activities such as design, analysis, and assignment. The lecture hall complex was named after the ancient Pushpagiri Vihara, an important Buddhist institution that served as a significant learning centre. The Rushikulya River is famed for the nesting of Olive Ridley turtles at its mouth, and the residential hall is named for it.