President Joe Biden Connecticut Visit: Everything To Know

President Joe Biden Connecticut Visit 2021- According to a White House statement, he will be in Hartford to promote his Build Back Better Agenda.

President Biden will also pay a visit to Storrs for the dedication of the University of Connecticut’s Dodd Center for Human Rights.

Since its inception in 1995, the centre has been known as The Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, and UConn’s Board of Trustees unanimously approved its renaming as The Dodd Center for Human Rights in August.

President Joe Biden Connecticut Visit

“UConn is honoring over a half-century of public service of Connecticut’s father and son U.S. senators, Thomas J. Dodd and Christopher J. Dodd, as well as the commitment of the Dodd family to supporting the growth and development of UConn’s widely recognized human rights academic, research, and engagement programs,” UConn President Dr. Andrew Agwunobi said in a statement.

“We are deeply honored that President Biden is joining us as we dedicate ourselves to extending the Dodd family legacy,” he added.

The UConn event is by invitation only, but it will be streamed live for the general public to watch.

“I’m deeply grateful to UConn for recognizing me and my family by dedicating The Dodd Center for Human Rights, and I’m honored that my good friend President Biden is joining us to mark this occasion,” Christopher Dodd said in a statement.

“Given the challenges we face as a nation and as a global community, I am delighted that The Dodd Center will be a place where students, experts, advocates, and others can come together and work toward a more just world,” he added.
