UPSC IAS 2021: Exam Day Mistakes To Avoid

UPSC IAS 2021 Exam Day Mistakes: The preliminary exam for the CSE will be held on October 10, 2021, by the UPSC. 

Check out the mistakes to avoid on the day of the UPSC IAS 2021 exam.

The preliminary stage of the civil services exam (CSE) will be held on October 10, 2021, by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). 

UPSC IAS 2021 Exam Day Mistakes To Avoid
UPSC IAS 2021 Exam Day Mistakes To Avoid

Candidates taking the UPSC IAS prelims exam in 2021 should be aware of the errors to avoid on the day of the CSE exam. 

Because the UPSC CSE 2021 prelims exam is held in an offline format, those who would take it must know how to answer the questions. 

They should also be familiar with the COVID 19 SOP.

Non-compliance with the standards may result in the candidate’s candidacy being revoked. 

Only those who have successfully obtained the UPSC IAS admit card 2021 will be allowed to sit for the test. 

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They will need to provide one government-issued picture ID evidence in addition to the admission card. 

To avoid errors on IAS test day, double-check all instructions that must be followed. 

COVID-19 SOPs must be followed in addition to the usual exam day guidelines to prevent the transmission of the deadly virus.

UPSC IAS Mistakes To Avoid On The Exam Day

  • Because the exam will be conducted in an offline format using OMR sheets, candidates are encouraged to mark their answers carefully because there will be no way to rectify mistakes.
  • The IAS prelims paper is divided into two parts, each of which has a negative marking of one-third (0.33) for that question. If a candidate answers more than one question incorrectly, that is also considered a bad response; therefore, they must avoid making such errors and carefully answer the questions.
  • Candidates are not permitted to use any other colour pen except a black ball point pen to record their answers on the OMR sheets.
  • While filling details in the IAS prelims OMR answer sheet especially in roll number and test booklet series code, aspirants must not make any mistake/discrepancy, if such a situation happens, their answer sheet might get rejected.
  • Aspirants must not write their name or any other information on the CSE preliminary exam OMR answer sheet for rough work or any other purpose. They must also not fold or damage the OMR answer sheet.
  • Candidates must avoid use of mobile phones even in switched off mode, or carry any electronic equipment, or bluetooth devices inside the exam hall. If found with possession of the same, strict action might be taken against them.
  • Candidates should remember to bring a mask and hand sanitizer to the exam centre. Staying protected from COVID-19 has become a need these days.
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The UPSC CSE is India’s most prestigious test, held to fill Class 1 gazetted positions in various administrative offices across the country. 

The UPSC CSE test will be held for a total of 23 services, including the Indian Administrative Service, Indian Police Service, and Indian Forest Service, among others. 

The mains test, which will be held in descriptive style, will follow the preliminary exam. 

On January 7, 8, 9, 15, and 16, 2021, the UPSC CSE mains exam will be held.

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