UPSC IAS Result 2020: Marksheet of UPSC IAS Topper 2020

Marksheet of UPSC IAS Topper 2020: The UPSC has announced the results of the UPSC IAS main and personality tests taken by qualifying UPSC IAS 2020 applicants. 

Here’s where you can get direct access to the PDF.

On its official website,, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) published the marks of the UPSC toppers 2020 in PDF format. 

The UPSC IAS main exam and personality test results for all 761 applicants who qualified for the UPSC IAS 2020 exam have been announced. 

Marksheet of UPSC IAS Topper 2020
Marksheet of UPSC IAS Topper 2020

Shubham Kumar, who was rated first at the All India level, received 1054 out of a possible 2025 points, according to the UPSC toppers marks sheet

In the interview round, he received 176 out of a possible 275 points. 

Second and third-place finishers Jagriti Awasthi and Ankita Jain received 1052 and 1051 points, respectively.

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On September 24, the UPSC issued the UPSC IAS final result 2021, which includes the names and roll numbers of the qualifying applicants. 

UPSC has recently released the UPSC IAS cut-off as well as a link to obtain the UPSC IAS scorecard.

Marksheet of UPSC IAS Topper 2020

RankUPSC Result 2020 Topper List(Candidates’ Name)UPSC main (written) marksPersonality test marksTotal marks
1Shubham Kumar8781761054
2Jagruti Awasthi8591931052
3Ankita Jain8392121051
4Yash Jaluka8511951046
5Mamta Yadav8551871042
6Meera K8352061041
7Praveen Kumar8481931041
8Jivani Kartik Nagjibhai8581821040
9Apala Mishra8162151031
10Satyam Gandhi8272011028
12Mithun Premraj8451791024
13Gaurav Budania8501731023
14Karishma Nair8341871021
15Ria Dabi – Rank8591621021
16Arth Jain8531681021
17Sarthak Agrawal8221951017
18Radhika Gupta8381791017
19Shashwat Tripurari8521651017
20P Srija8311841015

UPSC IAS cut off

The UPSC has published the UPSC IAS cut-off marks for each stage and category. 

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The final UPSC IAS cut-off for 2020 for general category applicants was 944, while the UPSC cut-off for SC category candidates was 875. 

In the official PDF, candidates may check the UPSC IAS cut-off 2020 for prelims, mains, and interview rounds according to their category.

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