UPSC Results – Prelims & Mains Result 2022 [Updated]

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) announced the Civil Service Examination 2021 Final Result today, May 30, 2022, on its official website, recommending a total of 685 candidates for appointment to various services, including IAS, IFS, IPS, Central Services, Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ services. This is in contrast to the previous year when the commission had recommended the appointment of 761 candidates to the various above-mentioned services.

Based on the January 2022 written exam and the April–May 2022 personality test interviews, the UPSC has released the Civil Service Examination (CSE) 2021 Final Results.

UPSC Civil Service Examination (CSE) 2021 Final Result Details:- LIST OF SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES IN UPSC EXAM 2021

Exam and Result Schedule for UPSC 2022

The most prestigious entrance exams in the nation are administered by India’s central hiring body, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), in order to select candidates for various positions in the central government.

UPSC Results Prelims Mains Result 2022

The Civil Services Examination, Engineering Services Examination, NDA & NA Examination, CDS, CAPF, CMS, and IES/ISS Examination are just a few of the entrance exams that are held by the UPSC, one of India’s constitutional bodies. The result of the examination must also be made public by the Commission.

UPSC Civil Services Result Highlights 

ExamCivil Services Examination
Conducted by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
FrequencyOnce a year
Result mode Online 
Result stages Preliminary, main, and final 
Official website 

UPSC Result Date

UPSC Preliminary Exam Date June 05, 2022
UPSC Prelims Result Date August 2022 (Tentative)
UPSC Main Exam Exam DateSeptember 16, 17, 18, 24 & 25, 2022 (5 days) 
UPSC Mains Result DateNov / Dec, 2022
UPSC Interview Date January, 2023
UPSC Final Result January, 2023

How To Check UPSC Result?  

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For the Civil Services Preliminary and Main Examination, the UPSC written result will be made public. The steps listed below can be used by applicants who have already taken the exam to check their written work.

  • Candidates should visit the official website of UPSC – 
  • Scroll down and click on the ”Written Result.”
  • Find the result link. 
  • Search the written result using the roll number. 
  • Download the result and take a printout for future reference.

UPSC Mains Result 2021 Declared 

On March 23, 2021, the UPSC released the Civil Services Mains 2020 results. From January 8 to January 17, 2021, the Commission administered the UPSC Main exam. The personality test/interview will be scheduled for candidates who excel in the UPSC Mains exam. Only between March 25 and April 5, 2021, must the shortlisted candidates complete and submit the DAF-II online. After the UPSC final result in 2021, the Commission will post the scores and cutoff on the official website.

What After UPSC Mains Result?

Each year, over 6 lakh candidates take the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, and about 10,000 of them are selected to take the Civil Services Main Examination. Less than 2,500 applicants will be roughly called for the Civil Services Interview. Therefore, candidates should be aware of all the crucial actions to take in the wake of the Civil Services Main Exam results. Within 15 days of the date the final results are published, the mark sheets of candidates who did not qualify will be uploaded to the UPSC website and will be accessible there for 30 days.

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Certificates Required For UPSC Interview 

At the time of the personality test, the shortlisted candidates for the UPSC Interview should only present the original certificates. The educational certificates, age documentation (date of birth), community certificate, physically handicapped, and other documents are among the most crucial ones needed during the interview round. Additionally, one should have the questionnaire, attestation form, TA form, etc. with them. In order to learn the full list of documents needed for the UPSC interview, applicants are advised to review the call letter sent by the Commission for the interview.

Academic certificatesAge proofcommunity certificate 
physically handicapped certificate (if any) Attestation formTA form

How To Download UPSC Interview Call Letter/ e-Summon Letter?

  • The e-Summon Letter of Personality Test of the shortlisted candidates for Interview will be available only in the Commission’s website. 
  • Candidates who have qualified in the Civil Services Main Examination can download their e-Summon Letters with their login credentials under Interview Schedule and e-Summon Letters tab on UPSC’s page.
  • One can access them at least five days before the commencement of the Personality Test/Interview. 
  • In case of any discrepancy, aspirants should contact the Office of the Commission without any delay. 
  • Aspirants should note that no paper Summon Letters will be issued for UPSC Interview. 

UPSC Final Result 2021

In April, the Commission will announce the UPSC Final 2021 results. The written portion of the January 2021 Civil Services Examination and the April 2021 Personality Test served as the basis for the release of the UPSC Final Result 2021.

(i) Indian Administrative Service

(ii) Indian Foreign Service

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(iii) Indian Police Service

(iv) Central Services, Group A and Group B  

The UPSC Civil Services final result will be available only for candidates who have appeared for the interview or final examination. Check the below steps to access the UPSC final result. 

  • Aspirants should visit the official website of UPSC – 
  • Scroll down and click on the ”Final Result.”
  • Find the result link. 
  • Search the written result using the roll number/name.
  • Download the result and take a printout for future reference. 

UPSC Result 2021: Recommended For Appointment 

Recommended 2447320310560685
Vacancies 3087320310560749

UPSC Civil Services Reserve List  

On May 30, 2022, the Commission made the Civil Services 2021 reserve list public. On August 4, 2020, the results of the Main Exam were announced for a total of 685 candidates against 749 openings. The Commission has recommended 89 candidates to fill the open positions, including 73 Generals, 14 OBCs, 1 EWS, and 1 SC.

Candidates who meet these recommendations will be notified directly by DOP&T. There are four provisional candidates in total. One candidate’s outcome has been withheld.

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