The massive campaign that combines all three Total War

Warhammer games will arrive in beta August 23, along with a new map and updates for all factions

Total War: Warhammer 3’s massive combined sandbox campaign will arrive in beta August 23.

The Total Warhammer team at Creative Assembly revealed the date in a video response.

The video offers some fresh information on what to anticipate from Immortal Empires.

For instance, the Empire and Vampire Counts' tech trees have seen minor revisions.

The remaining factions from the earlier games have all received a "lick of paint" as well.

Creative Assembly says not to expect a “full rework” for these factions

Some of the planned DLC for Total War: Warhammer 3 may have also been seen to keen watchers in the presentation's

Immortal Empires' beta debut is little over a month away, so you might want to learn more about the Chaos Dwarfs DLC.