Xbox’s ‘Night Mode’ to let users dim power button and controller’s LED

Different lowering levels and an optional blue light filter are available in Xbox night mode, which allows for a lot of customization.

Microsoft is set to release a new night mode for Xbox consoles that will allow users to decrease the brightness of a controller’s LED.

According to The Verge, Microsoft began testing the night mode with Xbox Insiders in the Alpha Skip-Ahead ring on Friday, and “it allows Xbox owners to decrease their screens, controller LED brightness and even the Xbox power button.”

Through this night mode, Xbox owners will be able to decrease the LED brightness on their controllers as well as dim or turn off the Xbox power button light.

According to The Verge, users will be able to instruct an Xbox to switch to system dark mode and disable HDR when night mode is active.

According to The Verge, this Xbox night mode will also be able to set a timetable. The business is now testing it with Xbox Insiders, so users can expect to see it filter through the various testing channels in the coming weeks before it arrives on all Xbox consoles.