JEE Advanced 2021 Paper Analysis; Paper 2 Difficulty Level

JEE Advanced 2021 Paper 2 Analysis: Today was the last day of JEE Advanced 2021. Expert analysis for paper 2 may be found here.

On Sunday, the Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) Advanced 2021 comes to a close (October 3).

There are two parts to the engineering entrance exam: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

JEE Advanced 2021 Paper Analysis
JEE Advanced 2021 Paper Analysis

The second exam of JEE Advanced 2021 included a total of 57 questions, with 19 questions in each topic.

Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics were the three sections of the paper. Each component had a maximum score of 60.

The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced is an exam for admission to Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), and it is being given in two shifts today for students who scored high in the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main.

The first shift of JEE Advanced 2021 Paper 1 was held from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Paper 2 was held in the evening shift from 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m., with a total of 180 points.

The total number of questions on the exam was 57, with 19 questions in each of the three subjects: physics, chemistry, and mathematics.

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According to Aakash institute and FIITJEE’s analysis, students rated chemistry as easy to moderate, physics as moderate, and mathematics as moderate to difficult.

Candidates who took the test today classified the chemistry problems in paper 2 as simple to moderate.

According to the FIITJEE study, chapters from Class 12 were given more weighting than paper 1, and there were no direct questions in Inorganic chemistry.

The multiple-choice questions in all topics were categorised as easy to moderate by Aakash Institute, with a few questions being labelled as “hard.”

JEE Advanced 2021: Section-wise marking

  • Section 1(Max. marks- 24)
  • Section 2(Max. Marks- 12)
  • Section 3(Max. marks- 12)
  • Section 4(Max. marks-12)

Section 1 consisted of six questions with four possible answers, each of which was correct in one or more ways.

Marking scheme in this section:

  • Full marks: +4  If only the correct options are chosen
  • Partial Marks: +3 If all the four options are correct but only three correct options are chosen
  • Partial Marks: +2 If three or more options are correct but only two correct options are chosen
  • Partial Marks: +1 If two or more options are correct but only one correct option is chosen
  • Zero Marks: 0 if none of the options are chosen
  • Negative Marks: -2 in all other cases
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Section 2 consisted of six questions. – There were three paragraphs in this section. There are two numerical value questions based on each paragraph, with responses correct to two decimal digits.

There was also an option to insert a negative sign.

Marking scheme in this section:

  • Full marks: +2 for the correct answer
  • Zero Marks: 0in all other cases

Section 3 consisted of four questions with four possible answers, only one of which was right.

Marking scheme in this section:

  • Full marks: +3 if option chosen is correct
  • Zero Marks: 0 if none of the options are chosen
  • Negative Marks: -1 in all other cases

Section 4 consisted of three questions with integer type responses that could only be a positive number.

Marking scheme in this section:

  • Full marks: +4 for the correct answer
  • Zero Marks: 0 in all other cases

JEE Advanced 2021: Students’ reaction 

  • Students found the overall level of paper to be moderately tough
  • Paper-2 was lengthy and tougher compared to paper-1 held in the 1st Shift. 
  • Chemistry was easy to moderate, Physics was moderate and Mathematics was moderate to tough
  • Chemistry (Easy to Moderate). Questions from both inorganic and organic chemistry were given equal weight. There were questions in Physical Chemistry about Liquid Solutions, Mole Concept, and Electrochemistry. Chapters from Class 12 are given more weight. Organic Chemistry was widely available. Inorganic Chemistry does not have any direct questions like Paper-1.
  • Physics (Moderate), There were more concept-based questions that spanned all of the chapters. This part was rated as moderate by students. Fluids, Ray Optics, Electromagnetic Induction, Current Electricity, Rotational Motion, Heat, and Thermodynamics were among the chapters where questions were posed. Questions with several topics take longer to answer.
  • Mathematics (Moderately Tough), More questions from Calculus and Coordinate Geometry were asked. Functions, Limits, Continuity and Differentiability, Application of Derivatives, and Definite Integral were among the topics covered. There were problems from Circle, Parabola, and Ellipse in Co-ordinate Geometry. Permutation and Combination, Complex Numbers, Probability, Vectors, and one question on Triangle Solution in Trigonometry were all covered in Algebra. Long computations were required for several of the questions.
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