JEE Advanced 2021: IIT Kharagpur Releases Exam Day Guidelines

JEE Advanced 2021 Exam Guidelines: JEE Advanced 2021 Exam Day Guidelines have been posted at by the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.

Candidates who plan to take the JEE Advanced 2021 must carefully read and follow the Exam day instructions. JEE Advanced 2021 will be held on October 3 at IITK.

According to the COVID-19 candidate advisory, appropriate steps will be taken to ensure everyone’s safety while maintaining the high standards, integrity, and fairness of the IIT JEE Advanced 2021 exam.

JEE Advanced Exam Day Guidelines
JEE Advanced Exam Day Guidelines

To safeguard their personal safety and health, as well as the safety and health of their fellow candidates, students must follow the JEE Advanced test rules.

To the JEE Advanced 2021 exam centre, candidates must bring the self-declaration form, a picture id card, and their admit card.

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Without properly completed and legitimate documentation, no applicant will be permitted to enter the exam centre.

JEE Advanced 2021 timings

JEE Advanced PaperJEE Advanced 2021 exam date and time
Paper 1October 3, 2021 (09:00 am – 12:00 noon)
Paper 2October 3, 2021 (2:30 pm- 5:30 pm)

The physics, chemistry, and mathematics parts of both JEE Advanced 2021 exams will be separated into three sections. Each JEE Advanced paper in 2021 will take 3 hours to complete.

Full, partial, and zero-mark questions will be used in JEE Advanced 2021. The question paper for JEE Advanced 2021 will be accessible in both Hindi and English.

JEE Advanced 2021: General Guidelines and preparation at the exam centre

  • At the JEE Advanced 2021 exam centre, Standard Operating Procedures for implementing safety precautions and maintaining required hygiene standards will be applied.
  • The whole seating environment, including the monitor, keyboard, mouse, camera, desk, and chair, will be completely cleaned prior to the start of each paper. All doorknobs, stair railings, buttons, and other similar items will be sanitized.
  • Sanitizers will be available at all main locations throughout the exam centre.
  • At the examination center’s entrance, barcode scanners will be available to scan the barcode on the JEE Advanced 2021 admit card. After reading the barcode, the candidate will be given information on the lab/hall/room number.
  • Invigilators wearing gloves will keep a scribbling pad at each candidate’s desk before the start of each paper to guarantee cleanliness.
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JEE Advanced 2021: Important Instructions

  • JEE Advanced 2021 will be held in a number of cities and towns across India, split into seven IIT zones.
  • Candidates must arrive at their designated JEE Advanced exam centres 2021 prior to the reporting time.
  • It should be mentioned that the examination centre’s main door will close at 9:00 a.m. for JEE Advanced Paper 1 and 2:30 p.m. for Paper 2.
  • To the test centres, candidates must bring their JEE Advanced admit card 2021 and a valid picture ID evidence.
  • It is advised that the candidates should bring drinking water in a transparent bottle.
  • Candidates must wear a mask and carry hand sanitizer (up to 50 ml in a transparent bottle).
  • Responses of candidates who will appear for both JEE Advanced 2021 papers will only be evaluated.
  • Candidates will not be allowed to carry any electronic devices like mobile phones to the exam centres. A candidate may wear a simple analog watch.
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The response sheet for JEE Advanced 2021 will be available on the official website on October 5. On October 10, candidates will be able to access their provisional JEE Advanced answer keys for 2021.

From October 10 to 11, you can challenge the answer keys. On October 15, the final answer key and JEE Advanced 2021 results will be published.


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