RRB ALP Result 2024 To Be Released Soon, Check Details

RRB ALP Result 2024: The Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) are preparing to release the result for the Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) recruitment examination 2024. This highly anticipated result will determine the next steps for thousands of candidates who appeared for the exam. The first Computer-Based Test (CBT 1) for ALP posts took place from November 25 to 29, 2024. The RRBs had earlier released the answer key, allowing candidates to assess their performance ahead of the official results.

The RRB ALP recruitment process is one of the most competitive exams, aiming to fill 18,799 vacancies for Assistant Loco Pilots across various zones in India. As candidates await the results, understanding the steps to check them and the subsequent selection process is crucial.

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RRB ALP Result 2024
RRB ALP Result 2024: The recruitment is conducted for a total of 18,799 vacancies.

Key Highlights of the RRB ALP Result 2024

The RRB ALP Result 2024 will soon be available for candidates who appeared in the exam. The release of this result marks a critical milestone in the recruitment process. Candidates will be able to download their results from the official RRB website.

To check the result, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official RRB website at rrb.digialm.com.
  2. On the homepage, click on the result link for Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) posts.
  3. Enter your login credentials in the provided fields.
  4. The result will be displayed in a new window.
  5. Review and download the result.
  6. Print a copy for future reference.

The recruitment drive aims to fill 18,799 vacancies for Assistant Loco Pilots and Technicians across various zones, making it a significant employment opportunity for candidates nationwide.

Selection Process and Exam Syllabus for RRB ALP Recruitment 2024

The RRB ALP Recruitment 2024 involves a comprehensive selection process, comprising five stages: CBT Stage I, CBT Stage II, the Computer-Based Aptitude Test (CBAT), Document Verification, and Medical Examination. Each stage is designed to evaluate the candidates’ competencies and suitability for the role of Assistant Loco Pilot.

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CBT Stage I

CBT Stage I features objective-type questions across four subjects: General Awareness, Mathematics, Mental Ability, and General Science. This initial phase is crucial for shortlisting candidates for the next stage.

CBT Stage II

CBT Stage II is split into two parts. Part A covers topics such as Mathematics, General Intelligence and Reasoning, and Basic Science and Engineering. Part B is trade-specific and qualifying in nature, focusing on the candidates’ expertise in their respective trades.


The CBAT, the third stage, is designed to assess candidates’ cognitive abilities and decision-making skills. To qualify, candidates must secure a minimum of 42 marks, demonstrating their aptitude for the challenging role of an Assistant Loco Pilot.

Candidates progressing through these stages will undergo document verification and a medical examination to ensure they meet the physical and professional standards required for the role.

This structured selection process ensures that only the most qualified candidates are chosen for the crucial responsibilities of an Assistant Loco Pilot. Stay updated on the RRB official website for the latest information regarding the result and further stages of the recruitment process.

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