CAT 2021: Books And Important Topics To Prepare

Check out some helpful hints and books for preparing for the CAT 2021 and acing it with a 99+ percentile.

On November 28, 2021, the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad will conduct CAT 2021 in a computer-based mode. Candidates must understand the CAT syllabus and major topics from which questions may be asked in CAT 2021 in order to ace the exam with a 99+ percentile. The CAT preparation must then proceed by covering them in order, such as starting with easy topics and working up to more difficult ones, and so on.

CAT 2021 Books And Important Topics To Prepare

Candidates should choose the CAT best books, which are recommended by experts and previous year’s CAT toppers, in order to focus on the important topics. The best books for CAT 2021 preparation will provide pertinent information and insight into CAT questions, among other things. Candidates who plan to take the CAT 2021 must choose authentic books for each of the three sections: quantitative aptitude (QA), data interpretation and logical reasoning (DILR), and verbal and reading comprehension (VRC) (VARC).

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CAT Test Pattern 2021: Major Highlights

Exam Duration2 hours i.e. 120 minutes
Total no. of questions76 MCQs
Mode of CAT 2021CBT i.e. computer-based
Sections Quantitative ability
Data interpretation & logical reasoning
Verbal ability and reading comprehension
Marking scheme +3 marks for every correct answerFor an incorrect answer, one mark will be deducted
Sectional time-limit40 minutes


Important CAT 2021 Topics

Candidates must understand the important topics of three sections from which questions are typically asked in the CAT entrance exam in order to pass the CAT 2021.

Refer to the table that compiles major topics of CAT test 2021:

Quantitative Aptitude (QA)Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)Verbal and Reading Comprehension (VARC)
Time and WorkInterests (SI, CI)Time, Speed, and DistanceProbabilityGeometry & MensurationNumber System, Basic ArithmeticAlgebraPermutation & CombinationProfit, loss, and DiscountsTrigonometry, Logarithms, and Sets Blood RelationsPuzzlesData SufficiencyGraphs RelatedSeating Arrangement, and Data ArrangementTables and CaseletsClocks & CalendarsAssumption and Binary LogicSyllogisms and Venn Diagrams  Para-SummaryPara-JumblesOdd SentencesReading Comprehension PassagesSentence Completion and CorrectionWord Usage (Vocabulary)Fill in the Blanks   

Best books for CAT Preparation 2021

Referring to the authentic CAT 2021 books is one of the strategies for getting the best grades. Candidates must ensure the authenticity and usefulness of study materials for CAT 2021 before selecting and purchasing them.

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Quantitative Aptitude (QA)Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)Verbal and Reading Comprehension (VARC)
How to prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT- Arun SharmaQuantitative Aptitude for the CAT-K. SinhaQuantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT 2019-Sarvesh K VermaQuantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations -Abhijit GuhaHow to Prepare for the CAT Common Admissions Test- Muhamed MuneerQuantitative Aptitude for CAT and Other MBA Entrance Exams by Trishna Knowledge SystemsThe Complete CAT Digest-Arun Sharma  How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT-Arun SharmaLogical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for CAT-K. Sinha NishitHow to prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT -Arun SharmaHow to prepare for Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning for CAT- Arun SharmaThe Pearson Guide to Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation-Nishit SinhaThe Great Book of Puzzles & Teasers – George J SummersWord Power made easy- Norman LewisMastering the Verbal Ability for CAT- Ajay SinghHow to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT- Arun Sharma and Meenakshi UpadhyayPocket Guide to Vocabulary -BarronThe Pearson Guide to Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning-Nishit Sinha


Quick CAT Preparation Tips 2021

  • Decide in advance the number of hours to devote for CAT 2021 preparation
  • Do not start a new topic
  • Revise from already prepared notes for CAT exam
  • Maintain speed and accuracy through revision
  • Increase CAT mock tests attempts
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