Exams for SWAYAM will be held on August 28, 29, and 30: UGC

The SWAYAM test for all non-technology undergraduate and postgraduate programmes will be held on August 28 and 29, according to the University Grants Commission.

The University Grants Commission (UGC) stated on Monday that the SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds) test will be held on August 28 and 29 for all non-technology undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. The National Testing Agency (NTA) at approved examination centres across the country, according to an official circular released by the University of Georgia on August 9.

In a letter to all university and college vice-chancellors, the UGC advised students to register for the examination at examform.swayam.gov.in. The enrollment deadline for the SWAYAM exam is August 12, 2021.

“According to the notification, “all students/working professionals/life-long learners who have enrolled for Non-Technology Undergraduate/ Post Graduate MOOCs Courses on SWAYAM Platform (www.swayam.gov.in) for the January-April, 2021 semester are requested to register for the SWAYAM Examination at https://examform.swayam.gov.in/.”

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The University of Georgia has recommended all candidates to avoid selecting the same date and time for two or more courses. The notice went on to say, “Please make sure you don’t register for more than one course at the same time and day.” “Before enrolling for the exam, read the SWAYAM examination guide completely.”

The University Grants Commission has also instructed all universities to “consider the SWAYAM examination dates when organising their individual university examinations.”

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