ICSI CS 2021 Topper’s List: Cutoff, Counselling

ICSI CS 2021 Toppers List: According to the latest news, the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) released the list of ICSI CS 2021 professional programme toppers today, October 13th. Along with the results, the complete list of ICSI CS old and new course toppers for 2021 has been released. The names of the students and their ranks are included in the list of ICSI CS toppers 2021. Vaishnavi Biyani and Eshan Loiya received AIR 1 in both the new and old courses this year. According to the ICSI rank list, there are eight toppers for the Old Course and ten toppers for the New Course. In addition, the ICSI CS toppers 2021 in the new course are all female.

ICSI CS 2021 New Course Toppers

ICSI CS 2021 Topper's List Cutoff
RankName of the Toppers
1Vaishnavi Badrinarayan Biyani
2Modita Sahu
3Vandita Lalitbhai Tank
4Kavisha Bhatnagar
4Kajal Sureshbhai Kakwani
5Parvathy S
6Nimita Kailash Dadhich
7Divya Ramkumar Gupta
8Jigyasa Kumari
9Nidhi Ashwin Dedhia
10Sakshi Porwal

ICSI CS 2021 Old Course Toppers

RankName of the Toppers
1Eshan Manoj Loiya
2Ravali Mulagada
3Disha Jain
4Divya Bhardwaj
5Sarvesh Diwan
6Gauri Ajay Shrotri
7Kajal Kumari Singh
7Priyanka Agarwal

ICSI CS Result 2021 for Executive, Professional Announced

The ICSI CS result 2021 for Executive Courses and Professional Exam was released today in online mode by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India. On icsi.edu.in, candidates who took the ICSI CS Professional June exam 2021 can check their results. Candidates can view their results as well as the subject-by-subject breakdown of marks. The institute will also make official e-Result-cum-marks statements available for the executive programme (old and new syllabus) and foundation programme examinations.

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Candidates should be aware that the ICSI CS Result marksheets will be sent to their addresses as soon as possible. “In case the physical copy of the Result-cum-Marks Statement is not received by any candidate within 3O days of the declaration of result, such candidates may contact the Institute at: exam@icsi.edu along with his/her particulars,” according to the official notice.

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