SSC CHSL Tier II, SSC CGL Tier II and III Exam Dates 2021-22

SSC CHSL – SSC CGL Exam Date: The SSC calendar for tier II and tier III examinations for SSC CHSL and SSC CGL exams has been announced for the years 2021-22.

SSC CGL 2021 tier II and tier III entrance exams will be held on January 28 and 29, 2022 and February 6, 2022, respectively, according to the Staff Selection Process.

The tier II entrance exam, according to the SSC CHSL exam date, will be held on January 9th, 2022.

SSC Calendar for SSC CGL and SSC CHSL exams
SSC Calendar for SSC CGL and SSC CHSL exams

The SSC calendar states that the Selection Post (Phase-IX) Examination for 2021 would be held from February 2 to February 10, 2021.

The SSC calendar 2020-21 PDF was issued by the Commission on the SSC official website,

The admission exam will be held in January and February, according to the SSC calendar.

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SSC Calendar for SSC CGL and SSC CHSL exams

SSC Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Examination, 2020January 9th, 2022.Tier-II (Descriptive)
SSC Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2020January 28 and 29, 2022Tier-II (CBE)
SSC Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2020February 6, 2022Tier-III (Descriptive)
SSC Selection Post (Phase-IX) Examination, 2021February 2 to February 10, 2021CBE

The exam dates for SSC CGL 2020 and SSC CHSL 2020 for the next stage of the selection process are provisional and subject to change, according to the SSC announcement published on the official website.

The test will be held in light of the COVID 19 scenario.

SSC CGL 2021 Exam

The SSC CGL tier I result will be released on December 11, and the tier II exam, which will be descriptive in nature and followed by a skill test, will be held online.

SSC CHSL 2021 Exam

On November 30, the SSC CHSL tier I results will be released, and the tier II test will be descriptive in nature.

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The skill exam will last 15 minutes, and the typing test will last 10 minutes.

Candidates for the positions of Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC)/ Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA), Postal Assistant (PA)/ Sorting Assistant (SA), Data Entry Operator (DEO), Data Entry Operator (Grade A).

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